
Our Pastor

周小为 牧師

Rev. Xiaowei Zhou

周小为来自中国辽宁大连,1989年赴美国北卡州大进修研究生,后在纽约和新泽西从事国际商贸和远洋运输工作。2003年10月,在经过长期挣扎和迷茫之后,蒙神恩召归信基督耶稣,并在2004年感恩节受洗归入基督身体。信主后小为渴慕神的话,研读圣经,并在神爱的激励下热心服事神。后在教会与来自中国四川成都的浦海燕姐妹相识并结婚,婚后二人彼此激励扶持,同心在教会事奉。在服事过程中逐渐感受到神对他们全时间服事的呼召。经过多年的祷告和预备,遂于2010年10月毅然回应神的呼召,二人同时奉献作全时间传道人。在同年基督使者协会主办的“华人差传大会”再一次获得印证后,小为于2012年9月进入美国宾州的圣经神学院(Biblical Theological Seminary)进行神学装备,并于2015年6月取得道学硕士学位。在神学院毕业前夕,神奇妙地带领小为夫妇来到北卡夏洛特市的以爱华人浸信会,开始全时间牧养教会,並於2019年10月19日按立為牧師。传扬基督耶稣福音的事奉。

Xiaowei Zhou, from Dalian of Liaoning Province in China, came to the United States in 1989 for his graduate studies in North Carolina State University. Afterward, he worked in the field of international trading and shipping in New York and New Jersey. In October of 2003, he was called by God’s grace and converted to Christianity after long struggle and wonder, and was baptized into the body of Christ during the Thanksgiving of 2004. After his conversion, longing for God’s Word, Xiaowei had been intensively reading the Bible and was zealous for serving the Lord by the inspiration of the love of God. He met Sister Haiyan Pu in church, who came from Chengdu of Sichuan Province in China, and married her in 2005. After the marriage, together they served the Lord by encouraging and helping with each other. While serving, they started to feel the call from God for full-time ministry with their lives. After several years of praying and preparing, they finally answered God’s calling in October of 2010 and they both committed themselves to full-time ministry. Being reconfirmed of their callings during the China Mission Conference hosted by Ambassadors for Christ, Xiaowei entered the Biblical Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania in September of 2012 for theological training, and graduated with a Master of Divinity degree in June, 2015. With an amazing guidance by God right before his graduation, Xiaowei and Haiyan were led to the Agape Chinese Baptist Church in Charlotte, NC for their full-time ministry in shepherding the church and preaching the Gospel of Christ Jesus. Rev. Zhou was ordained on 2019/10/19 at Agape Chinese Baptist Church at Charlotte, North Carolina.